St Clare's is a very active school.
We have 3 Active Schools Flags!

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Physical activity is a big part of life in St. Clare’s. The pupils throughout the school get opportunities to take part in a wide variety of sporting activities, both competitive and non-competitive.
We promote a healthy lifestyle in all areas of physical activity, healthy eating, mental health, and wellbeing

We received our first Active school flag in 2013  

our second flag  in 2017 

and our 3rd flag in June 2021.

We are very grateful to all the pupils, parents, staff and local sporting community who worked so hard and supported us in achieving this.
This flag is awarded to schools that strive to achieve a physically educated and physically active school community. 
To learn more about the Active School Flag Initiative, visit their website-

There was great excitement in school on Thursday last as county manager Mickey Graham raised our 3rd Active Schools Flag. Aine O Reilly, Cavan Sports Partnership, along with country footballers, Nessa, Kate and Caoimhin  joined in the celebrations. A big well done to all our wonderful pupils who help to keep our school so active.

We have been awarded The Daily Mile Flag in appreciation of our school’s commitment to The Daily Mile initiative. There was great excitement in school as we raised the flag. ACTIVE KIDS LEARN BETTER!

For health benefits, children aged 5-12 years should accumulate at least 60 minutes of moderate to vigorous intensity physical activity every day.

Very well done to our Active Schools Committee who launched some of our Active Schools plans at a recent assembly.

Check out our new bibs and lanyards!

Busy working on our new Active Schools Suggestions Box

Getting ready for The Daily Mile!

St Clare’s Active Break
Check out our Active Break Video.
You can use it as part of our Active Breaks Challenge and on rainy days after lunch.

Super Troopers start today!

Check out our PARTNERSHIPS page for more information.